Community-Based Addiction Treatment
Need Help with Addiction? Recovery is Possible!
Need Help with Addiction? Recovery is Possible!
Amy Bowles, LSW is an original of Anchor Project Center. She brought many years of administrative experience, with a specialty in Claims Management, she is a big part of our success.
Wesley Wood, MA, ADC is the founder of Anchor Project Center and the President of Ten Up Ministries, inc. He has over 10yrs of long-term sobriety. After many years battling addiction, He has been leading the way as a pioneer in the Recovery industry, developing sober homes and too many programs to name. At the same time, he completed his Bachelor's Degree from WV State University, followed by his Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Therapy from Marshall University. And if that isn't enough he has become a board certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor.
Merritt Moore, LPC, AADC is a valued member of the team. He brings a vast experience with the homeless population from his work with WV DHHR BBH.
Jeffrey L. Jones, PA-BC is our newest member to the team. He brings a vast experience with addiction from outpatient to residential addiciton treatment, with over 8 years of specialized experience.
A substance dependency and mental illness alter brain chemistry and may change the way an individual perceives their life and surroundings. In order to help these individuals regain control in their lives, didactic therapy is used. Based on an educational model that fosters life skills, didactic therapy encourages logical thought. Counse
A substance dependency and mental illness alter brain chemistry and may change the way an individual perceives their life and surroundings. In order to help these individuals regain control in their lives, didactic therapy is used. Based on an educational model that fosters life skills, didactic therapy encourages logical thought. Counselors help individuals approach their problems rationally and develop responsible problem-solving behaviors. Throughout therapy, the counselors encourage the group to adopt basic life skills that may have not fully developed during adolescence.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a treatment option that can address dysfunctional thoughts, emotions and behaviors that can influence substance abuse. This talk-therapy program encourages individuals to identify and challenge the underlying conflicts that lead to distorted thinking. The individual learns to respond to these pain
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a treatment option that can address dysfunctional thoughts, emotions and behaviors that can influence substance abuse. This talk-therapy program encourages individuals to identify and challenge the underlying conflicts that lead to distorted thinking. The individual learns to respond to these painful memories, thoughts or experiences rationally and healthily, overcoming their conflicts without resorting to destructive patterns of behavior. CBT can be an effective treatment option for those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders both collectively and separately.
The mind and body are connected and work together to maintain optimal functioning. When there is a disease of mind or body, the other suffers as well. Bringing your mind and body together in the healing process is the best way to achieve holistic wellness and an improved quality of life. We use an approach that encompasses the entire b
The mind and body are connected and work together to maintain optimal functioning. When there is a disease of mind or body, the other suffers as well. Bringing your mind and body together in the healing process is the best way to achieve holistic wellness and an improved quality of life. We use an approach that encompasses the entire body, mind, and spirit. After becoming physically well and medically stable, Our staff members are gently pushing through a multitude of therapeutic techniques for the patient to determine what things from their past has been causing the inability to refrain from using drugs, despite the consequences that are being brought into their life. While all this is going on, we are encouraging step-work and connections being made through the local church.
An experiential therapy program is a treatment option that helps an addict overcome their disease through the use of expressive tools and engagement in activities in which they re-enact or re-experience emotional situations from previous and current relationships. As the individual engages in these activities, they begin to identify and
An experiential therapy program is a treatment option that helps an addict overcome their disease through the use of expressive tools and engagement in activities in which they re-enact or re-experience emotional situations from previous and current relationships. As the individual engages in these activities, they begin to identify and understand both positive and negative feelings associated with success, disappointment, self-esteem, responsibility and other emotions they may face throughout their daily lives. Experiential therapy is a unique treatment option that can take on many forms.
Motivational interviewing is a form of one-on-one therapy in which an individual and their counselor identify and discuss behaviors that put the individual's health at risk. Unlike other forms of therapeutic treatment that relies on the individual receiving professional advice that focuses on problem-solving, this therapy directs attenti
Motivational interviewing is a form of one-on-one therapy in which an individual and their counselor identify and discuss behaviors that put the individual's health at risk. Unlike other forms of therapeutic treatment that relies on the individual receiving professional advice that focuses on problem-solving, this therapy directs attention to the individual's ambivalence toward change.
This technique addresses the attitudes that resist change. It seeks to motivate the individual to make the behavioral adjustments necessary to free themselves from their substance dependency.
Developed by Albert Ellis, REBT is a philosophically-based, humanistic approach that emphasizes individuals' capacity for creating their own self enhancing and self-defeating emotions. Ellis borrowed from philosophy, Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher said, "People are not influenced by things, but their view of things." REBT holds that an
Developed by Albert Ellis, REBT is a philosophically-based, humanistic approach that emphasizes individuals' capacity for creating their own self enhancing and self-defeating emotions. Ellis borrowed from philosophy, Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher said, "People are not influenced by things, but their view of things." REBT holds that an individual's belief system affects whether they attain maximum pleasure and self-actualization. Happiness is the goal of all human beings. REBT is a theory of how people (who want happiness) can inadvertently create personality and emotional disturbance
Teaching Healthy Choices begins with facilitating their primary care needs from Day 1. It is next to impossible to keep someone focused on their Clinical Treatment when they have health problems that have been left unattended.
OUD is facilitated with medication management according to all relevant evidence based practices. There are many options with medications. There is no one-size fits all approach. Each patient is assessed to determine the appropriate path. Our MAT's include Vivitrol injections, Buprenorphine Therapy, and Sublocade Injections.
Each patient undergoes a bio-psycho-social assessment to determine the best treatments necessary for their specific diagnosis. We have multiple disciplines represented to manage the entire need that the patient has. We take a holistic approach, in that we treat mind, body, and spirit. The tri-union of all parts are necessary, for the patient to recover.
Treatment plans are established with the help of the patient. It is important to Anchor for all patients to get the services they desire, whether they are provided by Anchor or referred out to other providers, through collaborative efforts.
Peer Recovery Support Specialist are brought in and utilized on the treatment team to bring that peer model that has proven to be successful with teaching how to change one's life through behavior modification and establishing a culture of recovery.
Recovery is not what you do, it becomes a part of who you are.
Use an integrated approach toward the Four Major Dimensions of Recovery to establish Recovery Capital.
The Recovery Capital is what sticks with a patient, when the patient graduates, discharges, or leaves early against medical advice. It is the lesson's learned. It is our objective to give a patient as much "recovery capital" in as short of period of time.
Here at APC, we stay focused on the Four Major Dimensions of Recovery.
Health- Overcoming or managing disease and living in a physically and emotionally healthy way.
Home - A stable and safe place to live.
Purpose - meaningful daily activities, such as job, school, volunteerism and family.
Community - relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.
Hi! My name is Lilly Mae and I am a recovering addict. Looking back a year ago from today, the comparison is unbelievable. The only thing that is the same is the Anchor necklace I wore around my neck. Even then, God was telling me where to go when I was too stubborn to be still and listen. I felt alone, broken and defeated by the daily obstacles and evils within myself and others closest to me. I gave everything away for a love that was only a lie. Finding the means to sell, use, and transport drugs was my primary focus in the end. I had lost hope in myself and humanity and accepted the madness that was my life. I was forced to open my eyes in handcuffs and oranges. Thankfully, my arrest gave me the ability to relinquish control of my adult life that I never really had. Here at the Anchor Homes in Charleston, I've found my forever home. I've been introduced to a 12 step program where I've been taught that I will never have to use again! My faith has blossomed into a beautiful relationship with God, that before I never imagined that he would not only accept me for me, but also forgive me for my past. His Love fills me and now I never have to worry about being alone. I've learned how to be a functioning member of society that people genuinely enjoy being around and draw hope from, just by being myself. I love who i am today. I'm respectable, employable, and responsible. Im still completely shocked about it all at the same time. Although I still have a long way to go, I'm confident in my growth and success, knowing that If keep pushing forward in my Faith in God that He will finish the work in me and through me. God placed the Anchor Homes in my path so I can not only drink from the well of living water, but also be a vessel that God can use to help others. I am very thankfull that God has placed in my life awesome people to guide and love me, until I could myself. For that I am forever grateful. #WEDORECOVER #BLESSED
Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love. I've found my true family. God placed me at the Anchor so that when looking for a power greater then myself would lead me directly to him. When my desire for God dominated my heart it opened my eyes to see how truelly loveing and caring ten up ministries is and not only for me but anyone that has the desire to live a better life. the Anchor opens there hearts and homes. from when I started this journey 915 days ago ive lost but gained the love in my life with Gods unstoppable grace. He always provides. My last good byes were to my family that have loved me until I loved myself. Today I know what love is because of the Anchor program and ten up ministries. These people are why I'll be back. nobody can leave family for good. Words are not big enough to Express how much I love you all. I'll write, call, text, or messege until I make my way back to the hearts that made me who I am. Good night Facebook.
Working with Wes I have made a complete turn around and have a desire to stay clean. I feel like Wes and his wife Brittany and his father Pastor Larry care about every one of their participants. The Anchor Project can change lives if the participant is willing.
Starting my new job in the morning with the anchor project please keep me in prayer that i will do gods will and that i can touch someone's life the way the anchor project touched mine! Its time to pay it forward!
I've learnt so much about myself in the past 6 months And i'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the anchor project. Wesley Wood I thank you for allowing me the opportunity I've grown as a man... And also I wanna thank all your staff and ppl from the church
I'm really grateful....
I don't know why I just thought of this but a few weeks ago on Christmas day. I was in an inpatient rehab and living on top of a church with about 7 other guys. The pastor and director of the program bought us a catered dinner from Bob Evans. I spent most of that morning downstairs in the office with the recovery coach that was working. But when it was time for everyone to get their plates and sit down and eat. I was asked to say grace for our Christmas dinner. Now this Christmas was the first one in I don't know how many years that I either wasn't A. In jail B. In prison or C. Homeless and strung out... And to go from that to being asked to bless the food on the day we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ! That really and truly touched my heart!! And I want each and every single one of those guys to know that when they did that I couldn't of asked for a better Christmas present hands down!! Thank you guys for making the Christmas of 2020 the very best one I've had. And thank you to the anchor project and ten up ministries for giving me the opportunity to better myself. Thank you to all the coaches, directors, pastors for everything you do to help me and for letting me bring in this new year sober and in prayer! I love you all and God bless!
Just going over my accomplishments in 2022 and just want to give thanks to everyone that has helped me on my path it's appreciated, I’m a certified underground mine foreman ,certified in mig ,flux and stick ,and Tig welding plus did my recovery coach classes and stayed in church ,my sobriety was the best investment I've ever made in my life made me a better father ,better son better friend ,fr thanks to the anchor and everyone that has supported me in my sobriety above all thank God ,now I truly understand all his unanswered prayers !!!!!! 21 months sober and if anyone needs help getting out the madness reach out to me or someone else recovery is possible!!!!
If you are looking for a great recovery program check out the anchor project! I spent sixteen months in this program and it literally saved my life! I have three and a half years clean and sober, I remarried a wonderful Christen man, gained a beautiful home, a brand new car, the love of my family, and I've been saved and redeemed by Jesus! My blessings have been so many since coming to this program. the people that run this program have become my family and are so important to me! If you or someone you know needs a sober living program reach out to me or someone in this program for help.i promise you recovery will bring nothing but blessings to you're life! Thank you Wesley Wood,brittany Brittany Kay Baldwin - Wood,pastor Larry wood for you're love,support and most of all teaching me the way to recovery and jesus!
I could never repay the anchor project enough for all that this program did for me! If you are looking for a long-term program this one is wonderful! Its faith based with people who are really trying to help others turn there life around! This program saved my life! If anyone wants a testimony about what this program can do just ask me! I am living proof that this program works!
Anchor Project was a significant help to the Family & Youth Development Services with harvesting a community garden on Charleston's West Side that serves so many families. Thank you! #doc2021
My name is Tanya and i am a recovering addict. Just a few years ago i layed in a hospital with doctors desperately working to revive my unbeating heart. By the grace of God, I was resuscitated after 20 miniutes. I learned very quickly that God has a purpose for my life. I was a complete mess. I remember crying myself to sleep in a camper without electricity in the dead of winter. I remember my prayers to God, just wanting to know that i existed. My recovery started in a prison cell, after I finally surrendered. I was placed in the RSAT program on march the 14th of 2017. The first thing I had to develop was willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve change. I was determined that no matter what happens in this program, I refuse to go home and be the same person that led me to prison. I was released to the same environment that I started my addiction. I left immediately. I had a bed waiting for me at the Anchor Homes. This is where i started transitioning into the person i am today. Since my release, i have been through the loss of my father and brother due to addiction. God has blessed me with a new family at the Anchor Homes. I have worked my way up from being a program participant to program staff. I witness others like myself recover from substance use disorder. With the help from God I have worked from the bottom and im well on my way to the top. I thank everyone that has taken the time to read my story. I must say that if I can recover, then SO CAN YOU
Yay this is such a blessing, the program has came so far from when we first moved to cross lanes it fills my heart to see the program grow!!
The anchor project saved my life almost four years ago. thank God for this program and the dedication of its staff! I'm truly honored to be working for this program!
If u need anything let me know!! Mason now lives with me! I'm so thankful for my sobriety!!! Thank you the anchor project!
😭😭😭 I love this vision soo much and it is needed more in the recovery community!!!!
Thanks and I couldn’t have done without the help of the Anchor Project and Ten up ministry and all the staff they have cared and had so much patience with me in helping me get on the right track and bettering my life. I love you all!!!
I just wanted to take a moment to thank the ladies of Anchor Project Huntington for their time, dedication, and selflessness today. Today we had community outreach and fed over 30 people in the name of Jesus. You ladies went beyond helping me today and showed willingness to do something outside of yourselves. We are in this together. I am so grateful to all of you. Extremely proud and our hearts are full. There is no doubt God is in this. #anchorstrong.
We will listen when no one else will.
2333 Maccorkle Avenue Ste 203, Saint Albans, West Virginia 25177, United States
Open today | 09:30 am – 04:30 pm |
Mon-Fri: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat: By appointment only
Closed Sunday
Anchor Project Center
Anchor Project Center 2333 MacCorkle Ave Ste 203 Saint Albans WV 25177 US
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